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July 17, 2005, 6:53 pm

Here is a couple of examples so far of the competition entries we have received. I don't want to spoil it by showing you too many. Once we close the competition (end of July) we will post the entries on the site and you will be invited to vote for the one you think is the best. This will then be painted by Alan and we will then produce the Limited Edition prints. The person who submitted the winning idea will then receive print number 1 as a prize.

Examples of entries:
actor_character: Rutger Hauer
filmappearedin: Blade Runner
details: Time to die...holding dove prior to his retirement

actor_character: wookies
filmappearedin: star wars III
details: fighting at the harbour. saw u at london today thought u were great.

We have already got an idea for the next competition and I will post some more information towards the end of the month as this competition is about to close.



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