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February 16, 2006, 3:30 pm

Manchester was great! We set off at 2 on Friday afternoon thinking it would take an hour and a half for us to get there. Then we encountered an accident at J12 on the M6 which delayed us for an additional hour and a half!! We finally arrived in Manchester at 6.00!! Even though it had taken the best part of 4 hours to get to there, it only took us just over an hour to set up and then get checked into the hotel which then meant we could hit the bar by 8.00. We finally left the bar at just gone one after having drank the best part of 10 pints each - bear in mind that we needed to be in the GMEX for 7.00am to actually hang all the paintings and lay the stock out on the tables.

Here is the fruits of our labours on Saturday

Surprisingly enough, our headaches were not that great, and we hit the GMEX a little after 7 and were all set up just as the first people started coming through the doors.

We hit the beer again at just gone 12.00 and finished at 6.00 after our first full day.

Back over to the bar on Saturday night for another 7 pints and up again on Sunday for a 9.00am start.

Sunday was a good day, although we didn't hit the beer too much as we were driving back to Birmingham.

Finally got back at about 8.30pm. Completely knackered and had a good nights sleep.

Conclusions! The beer in the hotel we were staying at was rubbish because there was no way we would have been able to function at 6.30 on Saturday after that much beer - let alone then go on to start again at 12.00. (But still - it makes us sound hard eh!)



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