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May 15, 2006, 8:05 pm

After a little break from advertising in Total Film, we have got a full page advert appearing in the next issue (out very soon) which I suggest you go and buy because I hear a rumour (started by Alan) that our adverts are becoming highly prized in collector circles. Recently, our first advert sold at Sotherbys for nearly £2million (Sterling) and now hangs in Charles Saatchi's personal gallery.

There is a new print available for purchase, although not from us. It is a new edition to the Pure Nostalgia collection, which are a series of exclusive pieces only available from them.

We've started to put together a top ten of entries which I will aim to get online for the end of the month so we can start collecting votes. There is a rumour (again started by Alan) that he might prepare sketches to go with the top ten but that is really time and other commitment dependant.

On another note. My girlfriend is selling her Nissan Figaro and would love it to go to a loving home, so please, get bidding.

I was playing around with our domains control panel and came across this. It's a countdown clock to our next show. Useless isn't it?



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