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October 25, 2006, 2:22 pm

We only have a few of the following prints left so you better get a move on and get them ordered now if you want one!

Also, Alan has been very busy working on number of pieces and I am pleased to announce that two new prints are available to purchase from our shop. One is the last competition winners suggestion, The Clockwork Orange (Alan found this one of his most challenging paintings to date). Print number one is on it's way to him as we speak. Its lucky that this was the winnning suggestion because this then prompted Alan to get his backside moving and finish off another portrait that he'd been working off and on for the last 12 months. Both original paintings will be on display when we exhibit at the end of November.

This is available now in the ebay shop. Click Here.

This is available now in the ebay shop. Click Here.



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