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November 23, 2006, 10:27 pm

Don't forget that this weekend is Memorabilia at the NEC. A word of warning though, if you are coming to the NEC don't leave it too late as there is the Good Food Show on at the same time so I would expect the traffic to be murder! But don't let that put you off coming.

On a brighter note, it would appear that Father Christmas has been checking out our work as we received word yesterday from one of his elves (I went to school with him - nice bloke, but a bit too intense for my liking!) that a little boy had put 3 of our prints down on his christmas list. Aaah how nice. Only problem is Sant wanted to see if he could get a discount if he bought all three, cheek or what!

We have replenished the stock after the show up in Manchester (where the beer is still like urine!), so there will still Tshirts, some last remaining print number 50's (the last one before they are sold out forever), we'll also have the original canvases and Alan does inform me that he is prepared to do a super special deal on the original Kill Bill painting - see him at the show. You shouldn't have any problem finding us because we'll have the massive terminator painting upp on our stand.

Apparantly also in our dealers information there is a ban on alcohol being bought from the bar and then carried round and drank in the hall. This is due to a licensing issue and such we feel that we must agree and abide by the instructions so we have decided to are bringe our own. See you Saturday.



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NEC  20th - 21st November 2010


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