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December 18, 2006, 9:21 pm

I thought that you would like to see the latest addition to the line of muscle cars that Alan has been producing over the last year. This is a really nice picture and looks even better 'in the flesh' so to speak. The car in question is a Shelby Mustang GT500.

Also, Alan has been busily working on another painting which he needs to have finished prior to Christmas, so he needs to get his skates on. He won't allow anyone to see it, and he's even said that no one will see it when it's finished. No, it's not a nude painting of Cherie Blair, or a nude painting of Sue, his wife. It's a portrait of his mothers 2 dogs.

I plan to infiltrate his studio and take a photo as soon as I can, but he is wise to my plan and has installed additional security, namely his son with a BB gun!!! Watch this space though.

On another note, the last UK posting date is officially Tuesday but we will still be posting out until Thursday. Realistically though today is the last chance for Christmas presents.



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