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February 04, 2007, 8:39 pm

Some of you more eagle eyed people out there will notice that Alans Sketchbook over there on the right hand side always displays a different image when you visit this page (or rather it should display a different image). You might also notice there are now two more additions. One of which I am going to post here in a sec and the other I will put up in a few days (so you have time to work out what it is). This sketch is a throwback to when Alan was a small boy in the early 1940s living down near Dover as the boys from Rogue Squadron would fly back over the white cliffs after another successful bombing run. He longed to join his heroes, Biggs, Wedge, Jek & Cesi but a fear of heights (and flying) kept his feet firmly on the ground.

Anyway, here is the first sketch.

Alan also sent me a copy of a new painting ready for showing, but I think I will leave it to tomorrow night as I am going for a cigarette and a beer and to watch Waking the Dead. After that I'm going to play on my Wii that I managed to get from ASDA last weekend!!



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