August 29, 2007, 8:18 pmTonights second post. we are very busy getting everything ready for the London Film and Comic Convention at the moment. We will be showing a number of original paintings including Aliens and Resevoir Dogs. I will try and remember to take some photos of the stand this time, if I remember my camera.There will be some number one prints available (Luke with saber and Boba Fett), as well as the last remaining print of a couple of sold out items. Ermmm.... that would be The Grudge, Trinity and the MFP cars I think. Please note we can only carry limited stock so if there is anything you are particularly coming to collect let us know. From now on you will have the pleasure of both myself and Jase contibuting to the blog, probably at odds with each other. So if he starts with his "I think Maverick. Iceman etc from Top Gun would make a great painting" don't listen to him. Sorry to say The reanimator painting is still not finished........but here's what is!!!! These prints are available to buy from our ebay shop, starting with number one!!!! We will get them on site over the next couple of days, hopefully. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Comments:<< Home |
tim says shotgun for number one for the stormtrooper please!
Postman came this morning with a mighty fine picture of Jason Stathan behind the wheel of his BMW...........and LO...same day, Film 4, 9.Pm, The Transporter is on...
How spooky is that !!!
Oops, should say "Statham"