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September 11, 2007, 1:14 pm

I recently received an email at work which went along the lines of "you've been invited by the girl who sits next to you at work to join Facebook - click here". So I did.

Now, I'm not sure what it's purpose is and I've only got 3 friends but I find myself checking it at least 3 or 4 times a day. Why, I'm not sure. Am I interested in adding friends - not really but I feel I should have more than 3.

Anyway, I've created a group and I've called it InvisibleIncDesign.

You can join this group if you like. It'll be quite nice for us to see who you people really are and you can then buddy up with other people who obviously have exquisite artistic preference.

Hopefully you 4 who I spoke to briefly about our Flickr page will join as you all sort of went, I've got a flickr and a facebook.

I'd like to see if we can get people from every continent on there too.

You will be able to post messages, and videos etc - well I'm sure you've all got a better idea of facebook than I have so click the link to join.

Facebook Group Link



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