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September 06, 2007, 8:14 pm

Sizzle me schnizzle, boyyyyyyzzzz!

Funkmaster J in da house.

I see alan has put up his blog entry and said how dark the car park, sorry, i mean venue, was. He's not joking. It was a *&%@ hole.

I've got a few little bits to talk about as well like what happened after Alan took the photo of me and bumblebee, my Danny Dyer story, Miniskirt Man, curry sauce and 'Probably the worst lager in the world'. I'll have to write this up tomorrow as I've an important meeting with my Barman (who, incidentally is Peter Petrelli).

Oh yeah, the competition will be closing as soon as Alan sends me a new jpg.

EDIT: Now closed but you can still see the owners gallery.



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