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February 25, 2008, 8:12 pm

Showtime this weekend at CollectormaniaMidlands. I have collected the Ash painting from storage and amazingly enough Bruce Campbell still hasn't pulled out of the show yet. We will be displaying all the usual stuff, paintings and prints etc. Remember if you are after a specific print let us know in advance as we are only able to bring a limited amount of stock. Jason is going to bring his Top Gun illustration to put on display and we will have the snowspeeder illustration and hopefully the first print off it there as well (if you want to see them just ask). As promised I have completed a new piece just in time for the show..... it's the march hare, well it is nearly March and only a few days before my birthday (hint hint I hope the venue is licensed).

We are aiming to have prints available at the show and will try and get them online at the weekend. I am now flat out on the commission piece I revealed last week and am trying to complete some longstanding pieces in time for Memorabilia as well as a couple more super large illustrations. Anyway I'd better get back to show preparations and counting down the days to my birthday (hint hint).



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