June 27, 2007, 11:58 pmTwo cool new sketches to show you. I don't think I'll need to give any indication as to who these are. Two legendary actors in one legendary sketch. Good work Alan.posted by Jason 0 comments --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- June 18, 2007, 8:21 pmSo, you liked the shooty girl from the driving film with the bloke in it.Well, check this bad boy out. He's the driving man from the driving film with the shooty girl in it. And he's one bad mutha huffa. I think I know a certain someone who is going to like this. A lot! Got to say, that this was a great film. Plenty of driving action, plenty of kicking people in the head and plenty of shooting at things. What more could you ask for ??? posted by Jason 2 comments --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- June 07, 2007, 9:06 pmSo you see now, Alan has been busy.And, he's done a sketch of a film that I have seen and a character I recognise. Its that shooty girl from the driving film with the bloke from the film with brad pit in isn't it? I've just been round to Alans and he's told me to tell you that we will be doing the London Film and Comic Con on the 1st & 2nd September and also Memorabilia 24th & 25th November. I'm off now to prepare for my little 4 day break down south somewhere. Speak to you next week. posted by Jason 8 comments --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- June 05, 2007, 7:24 pmParttteehhhhhhI am Godzilla..... ..........you are JAPAN!!!!!! -- I have no idea what that meant. Alan sent it over and told me to put it on the site. On a side note, I know that its been an absolute age since i last put an entry onto this blog. Again I can only apologise. Alan has been busy sketching and drawing and painting etc, i have been busy playing Resistance:Fall of Man on my PS3 (which is great by the way). I just need you guys to buy more prints so that Alan can buy a PS3 too and then I can blast the #!@$ out of him online ::grin:: There will be more stuff put up over the next week or so. Honest! posted by Jason 2 comments --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |