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January 16, 2008, 7:31 pm

At last, first blog of the new year. Sorry for the lack of updates but we have been very busy (honest, it's nothing to do with recovering from over doing it at Xmas). Jason is very close to updating the site and side menu. The new menu will allow acces to the football and car prints we have done as well as restablishing the link to pure who sell a number our prints that are exclusive to them.

The competition voting will also start when the menu goes live. I have chosen the final ten suggestions that I thnk I could do a painting of and hope to have the winning painting on display at Memorabilia in March. We will also be exhibiting at the Collectormania Midlands show at the beginning of March. This is a new show from the Showmasters gang and we are hoping it will be well attended.

I can't show you what I am working on at the moment as it is a commission that is to be a gift and I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise. As soon as I have completed the piece I will show it here.
posted by alan 0 comments

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