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March 28, 2008, 12:35 pm

Last blog of the week. I'm off to the NEC to set up for Memorabilia in a bit. There will be the usual mix of paintings and prints on display and for sale. If you are dropping by, the finished Wicker Man painting will be there as well as the Top Gun and Snowspeeder illustrations.

I will also have some limited edition giclee prints of the Snowspeeder illustration for sale. These are the same size as the illustration, (0.5m wide - which is over twice the size of our normal prints) and are printed onto a canvas style paper. They will be available for £40.00 and are limited to 25 only.

The sketch books will be there so just ask if you want to have a look at what I might be painting next. Finally the bar will be open and any liquid donations are always gratefully accepted and fully recycled.

Finally, this is just for one of our competition winners......

....this is the prelim sketch, for Mark's suggestion.
posted by alan 21 comments

March 27, 2008, 3:14 pm

Super quick entry today as I am now really busy getting everything ready to take down to the NEC tomorrow. No more Wicker Man pics to show you today as the painting will be on display at Memorabilia and I don't want the new owner to see it here before he sees the real thing. I will show a picture of the finished piece next week. So instead how about the most gangsta guy in recent movies...........

....its, Mclovin.....
posted by alan 2 comments

March 26, 2008, 4:30 pm

It's blog time. Today will be a short one as I am getting stuff ready for Memorabilia at the moment. Jase has managed to skive off to his girlfriends parents in Hull and left me to sort everything out, he assures me he will return on Friday (just to make sure Top Gun gets taken to the show). The good news is that he only has a dial up connection so he can't get to see what I'm saying providing I keep adding plenty of images. Anyway here are today's tweed pics.

As usual we will only be taking limited stock to the show so if there is anything you particularly want email us and let us know and we will make sure it is there. Now for today's sketch...

Jase finally got it from this sketch. Now this is one that might make it to being a painting before the end of the year!!?!!
posted by alan 4 comments

March 25, 2008, 5:11 pm

Another day and unbelievably it's another blog entry from Al. I have just been up to my local gallery and framers and picked up the framed snowspeeder illustration. This is now about 75cm wide and is being modelled by it's new owner, Jed....

This will be on display at the weekend along with Jason's Top Gun illustration (he's determined to bring it with him so what could I do). Also I will have the finalised giclee to show of the snowspeeder illustration. I am aiming to print only 15 of these (it is an expensive process) and will be taking preliminary orders at the show.

Ahhh tweed, I'm loving it. Here is another update of the Wicker Man. I don't actually paint this much in a day, these are just progress pics that have been taken over the last month or so.

And finally another sketch. Well actually I only did it to keep Jase guessing, he still doesn't know what film it's from yet.

P.S. Yes Tim an image from Planet Terror mey be on the horizon.

Actually I do need help. If I was planning to paint the biggest ZOMBIE picture I could, (1.5m x 1m) for the end of the year, what should my reference be. I am sort of thinking of a group of zombies, perhaps from the shopping mall in Dawn of the Dead (original). Or perhaps collecting all the best zombies from different movies, suggestions in the comments, thanks...

Til tomorrow.
posted by alan 1 comments

March 24, 2008, 1:28 pm

Happy Easter, I hope you all had a good one (choccy choc choc). Here is the first of a series of daily updates leading up to Memorabilia. Tweed, is driving me crazy at the moment as I am working on the Wicker Man painting. Here are some progress shots.

I thought I would show you some of the new sketches over the next couple of days as well. Remember sketches can lead to paintings....eventually.

I am sure everyone knows which film this is from (OK it's not exactly a movie yet), it's been driving Jason crazy cause I won't tell him. Til tomorrow.........
posted by alan 1 comments

March 17, 2008, 9:53 pm

Blimey, you wait days for an update and 2 come along together!

After much prompting by Alan, I've finally closed the competition and have also managed to add the 'Eyes' to the shop.

Here are the results to the competition:

I'd like to say congratulations to the 2 people who nominated the top 2 voted for images.


There, I've said it.
posted by Jason 3 comments
This is just a quick note to apologise for lack of updates. I haven't been very well (altogether Ahhhhhh), but I am better now. The competition is closed for voting and Jason will be disabling it tonight or tomorrow. Due to some block voting it appears that Indiana managed to out score Pinhead. Due to my premature announcement of the winner I will paint both suggestions and each entrant will receive print number one when they are finished.

Look out for longer posts over the next couple of days.
posted by alan 0 comments

March 05, 2008, 1:53 pm

Well another show is now safely behind us. Thanks to everyone who came to say hello. Here is a photo of the backwall of the stand.

It was an especially long show for me as, due to unforseen circumstances, Jason could only help out for Saturday afternoon which left me to run the stand on my own (OK I had a little help from my wife and kids). As those of you who attended know, I didn't manage to sort out the snowspeeder giclee and (to some peoples relief) I didn't bring Jason's Top Gun illustration. All I can say is that I will promise to bring it to Memorabilia.

The voting should be closing tonight for the competition and I think I can safely say that it looks as if Mark How is the winner with Pinhead. Thanks to everyone who voted.

Now for the show props and slops.

Bruce Campbell
Tim for remembering my birthday and looking after the stand
Tim for buying the original Stormtrooper painting
Ciaran for dropping by to see his Wicker man sketch
The stand that sold me the 1/18 scale V8 Interceptor (my birthday present!!!)
Everyone else who said hello.

The wind for almost blowing me and a number of paintings away
Having to look after the stand on my own (loo breaks became very important)
Beer in plastic bottles? (I guess it's because it was at a football stadium)
Mothers Day lack of visitors (to be fair it was the first show so hopefully it will attract more people next time)
posted by alan 3 comments

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NEC  20th - 21st November 2010


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